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Since a very young age of 5, I have had an entrepreneurial spirit. One could say it is in my DNA. I also have a soft spot and a compassion for our senior population. Based on my familial experiences and this entrepreneurial spirit, See I Care Home Solutions was born. The following is the story.

“Keeping your aging loved ones safe in their own homes..” What does that mean for the caregiver? Here is my personal story. In 2012, I received THE CALL two days after my birthday that everyone dreads. I got a telephone call at 4am from my dad advising me that my mother had fallen and was very weak and she needed help. I was living in Washington DC at the time and while I was still on the phone, I sprung up and was throwing things into a bag to rush out the door and make the 3 hour drive up to the area where my parents lived to help address the emergent situation.

While I as driving, I had the thought for the first time that life would never ever be the same again. This was the beginning of the transition into an active Eldercare role of taking care of parents as well as my grandmother, who also lived with them. As the caregiver it felt like a hopeless situation. My siblings and I, had LOTS of tough decisions ahead of us while struggling to honor the wishes of our aging loved ones to remain independent in their own home…..but how? Over the years since that dreaded early morning call, I have experienced the frustration and dealt with the complexity of trying to keep my parents at home while providing the care that they need for daily living. So I understand the level of out of the box thinking it takes to achieve this. Hence the concept for See I Care Home Solutions was born.

Our cultivated solution-based services have personally allowed me to provide a watchful eye on those I care about while making sure that my parents remain safe in the environment that they choose. As a caregiver I am assured that if they need help, my siblings and I are able to effectively meet there needs.

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